Ryan Willis

A software engineer with over 10 years of experience

About Me

Hi! I'm Ryan. I'm a software developer that has been building cool things on the web for over 10 years.

I currently work remotely as a full-stack software engineer out of Phoenix, Arizona. Programming is something that I am very passionate about, and I find great joy in seeing nifty ideas come to life.

I have experience with a variety of technologies, but I am most comfortable with TypeScript/JavaScript, React, Node.js, Python, and Go. I am always looking to learn new things and improve my skills, so I spend lots of free time working on personal projects.

When I'm not working, you can find me playing video games, writing code for personal projects, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and catching up on various TV shows.

I can be contacted via email here: ryan@ryanwillis.com


A small container that polls Docker labels and creates/updates configuration files in volumes based on their contents.


I couldn't find a free-to-use loan management system that would let me track payments without logging in, so I made one.

It's built with Remix, Prisma, and Mantine.


A copycat implementation of Icon Kitchen with various fixes. Design web, mobile, and desktop icons and export all at once.

Notably fixed garbled MacOS icons in this PR.


In Progress

A minty fresh alternative to commonly used personal expense tracking apps.


A realtime question-of-the-day web app with support for multiple rooms.


GitHub Repo Image API. Showcase repositories as images in a GitHub Readme with markdown.


Personal portfolio website showcasing projects and general contact information.


In Progress

A service allowing users to claim drinks.coffee subdomains that display a custom messge or redirect the visitor to another URL.

I used this project as an opportunity to become more acquainted with certain programming languages, so each page/aspect of the site is written using a different one.